Tuesday, March 5, 2019

FIVE year Anniversary

A few years ago I sold one thing on Ebay...and a light went off...  hey, this really works... Gary (my husband) had sold things for years on Ebay but I was not interested in running back and forth to the Post Office etc...  However when I saw how easy it was and the profit, I was sold.  I had already opened an Etsy store back in November of 2012 but had hadn't listed anything.

So in March 2014 I started slowly adding vintage items to resale and Amy Finds Everything was launched.

It wasn't until December 2015 that I started added my original art to the store... which now is a passion of mine...  

I love my little shop and have had so much fun shopping for found items to resale!

Then in 2017 we added shows to the mix and have had a lot of fun traveling around selling vintage and my art

Not sure what the future holds... but I am ready for it!!!

Here are a few photos of great finds through the years!!!

My office


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